
3 Important Facts to Tackle Mental Health

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week on 7-13 February – Head to to read about the event run by the charity Place2Be, and learn about brilliant brains!

Mental Health is as Important as Physical Health

You might know how to take care of your physical health, but did you know that brain needs looking after too? Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act. And, like our physical health, it’s always changing!

Be Strong

Our brains have a lot to deal with – from school work and growing up to relationship with family and friends – so life can be stressful sometimes. One in six children and young people have a mental health problem.

Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Fortunately, there are lots of simple things we can do to improve our mental health, including exercise, being in nature, healthy eating, getting enough sleep, and talking to friends or family about worries. Being kind to people can make us feel good too!

It’s normal to feel sad or nervous, but if you feel this way a lot then make sure you talk to a trusted grown-up. No problem is too small – your mind matters!